Monday, October 20, 2008

Thing #5 IM

We three cats on Monday night
Trying hard to IM right
Sue gets on and finds me gone
Ebeth jumps in and no one is on

I think the program is fighting back
just to keep three cats off track

I'll try again when the sun does shine
And hope that I can IM just fine

Monday, October 13, 2008

Things 3 & 4

Getting started on the blog was a challenge for many of us @HPL because we wanted to follow lock step directions rather than play around and make mistakes. It was after I worked with the 3rd staff person that we finally figured out the html tagging to make the blog url a real link! Yeah!

Things 1 & 2

The easiest and the hardest of the 7 1/2 habits of highly successful lifelong learners is Habit 7: Teach/mentor others. It is easiest because I like to teach and watch others learn. It is hardest because it requires patience and accepting the reluctance of others to learn new things.

Gathering My Tribe

I am attempting to follow the blogs of all my staff.  So far I have LG added.  I found Bev, but can't seem to follow her.  Something else to learn! That is what this is all about.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

First Attempt

Welcome to the first installment of HPLmeanderings!  This will be my attempt to lead my staff through all 23 Things we need to learn to be masters of 2.0.  Let the journey begin.